Monday, December 3, 2007

Progressive Era 806

The Progressive Era was a period of great reform for our country. So far we have covered a good amount of these reforms. Which reform that we learned about do you feel was the most important? Why? After you have answered my questions you may comment on what other people have said. However, make only well thought out responses and be respectful of one another!!!


ellak806 said...

Actually I think that all of them sound good. I especially support any president who opposes war, like Hillary Clinton.She opposes s.s. marriage but supports civil unions. And she'd be the first woman president. But I wish everyone luck.

alexyh806 said...

The reform that we learned about that I feel it is the most important is when John Dewey gave more education and better teachers to children or students. If he hadn't reform our education, we wouldn't be as smart as today and there wouldn't be no more outside learning instead of memorizing.
Because of him, we have fun at the same time learn more.

Anthonyc806 said...

A reform that we learned about was about how strict education was.
Back then, the teachers were very strict to the students. They couldn't get out of their seats or
if they were bad, the teachers would hurt them. They would go home and tell their parents and the parents would spank them more harder.

Anonymous said...
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TheresaC806 said...
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ellak806 said...

The AMA was pretty useful; health is very important. The educational reform by John Dewey was very important too. Because of it we now can learn in a good environment.

alissap806 said...

I Agree with alexh806 because reforming education is very important and if he didnt do what he did we wouldnt be as smart as we were today

MichaelG806 said...

My thoughts are, everything that changed was a good thing. It gave people more freedom. Basicly help everyone too. Improve the food, now they check it and see if it is clean. The education the way kids were learning had also changed, instead of just memorizing what the teachers says, we can actually give our own ideas.

Anonymous said...
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patrickf806 said...

I agree with anthony on this reform. Even though the the teachers were strict to the kids they had no right to abuse a child.

Unknown said...
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MichaelG806 said...

*A word from the class: Please proof read your comments and please stop posting nonsense because it is only taking up spaces. Thank you.*

Marion_A_806 said...

i agree with anthonyc806 because back in the days the education was very very strict and the students would behave good of the strict policy so they were very smart

now the students are more free to do what ever they want but instead some are more uneducated and like others they have bad behavior.

Ariel806 said...

One of the reforms that I think was very important was the John Dewey because students would have to memorize the classes and work they did. As Alex said John Dewey gave more education instead of memorizing all of your work.

Unknown said...

i agree with alexh806 about the John Dewey reform being most important because he gave better education and teachers to to students. If he didnt reform our education, we wouldnt be smart like we are today.

jenn806 said...

the reform that i think is the best would have to be the meat inspection act of 1906 because it was a way to have cleanner food and have less poeple to get sick. because it required inspection to all animals before they were slaughtered, made it better for all the peoples health.
thats my opinion ;]]

alaem806 said...

The most reform i liked is the labor organization because unions fought for better working contians and higher pay.

gustavop806 said...

I think the direct primary made a big impact on society during the progessive era. It allowed voters to choose their own candidates for office. This way peole could vote for candidates that they want to be president, not candidates that were selected by political bosses.

davidn806 said...

I think that John Dewey’s reform against education. If it wasn't for John Dewey then we would still have to memories the stuff we learned and we wouldn’t be as intelligent as we are today.

davidn806 said...

I think that John Dewey’s reform against education. If it wasn't for John Dewey then we would still have to memories the stuff we learned and we wouldn’t be as intelligent as we are today.

jasonl806 said...

I think the direct primary is the most important reform. Without this reform the government would be corrupted. Since the boss decides the candidate, that candidate would allow the boss to have a free pass to do illegal stuff.

ellak806 said...

I'd like to add that I agree with several people who said that the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 was important. Now we (mostly!) don't have to worry about getting gross stuff like human fingers or rat pieces in our hamburgers!

jenn806 said...

i agree with alex becuase the john dewey education mad it better for kids to learn what the teachers teach. i think that because when the kids just memorize things they could forget, but if they have notes they could go home and study!

criss806 said...

I Think that the jo9hn dewey rofrorm was the best because he made kids actually think and not just be paper for teachers to write all over

all so he has a school so hes like awesome

David L. 806 said...

I agree with theresa on the meat inspacetion because people have been getting there fingers cut off and peolpe have been eating that. It is pretty gross how the fingers are fixed into the meat and people just eat it without noticing.

jackieh806 said...

The most important reform was Robert La Follete. He created the Winsconsin Idea. One of the best reforms in the Winsconsin Idea was the decrease of power in political machines and bosses. Now the election of presidents will no longer rely on political machines.

peterl806 said...

i think the most important reform was John Dewey's education refrom because some of the people who make the world what it is today would not have been smart enough to do this.

TheresaC806 said...

the most important reform that was the most important was when they created the food and drug act of 1906 because now that they had created a ac passed, people can be safer. People were more safer. Food were inspected before passed put to people.Doctors had license and drug needs to be prescibed by doctors. You cannot buy the drugs by yourself. I like this act because now people had real doctors and food were cleaner.

MichaelG806 said...

Besides the education the food act was imporant same as the school policy. If we didin't have the food act we wouldn't be so healthy and would not live up to this long.

DeirdraA.806 said...

one of the reforms i like the best was the one for better working conditions. i fell this is the best reform because that meant that their were no children workers and that not alot of people would get hurt while working long hours.

alexcyh said...

I agree with gustavop806's comment because now the people could elect the candidates they think are the best and not have political parties choose whoever they want without the public's opinion on which candidate is better, cooperative, and honest.

alissap806 said...

the meat inspection act of 1906 also was important because it helped the society by keeping the food clean so less people were getting sick.

aFlores806 said...

I feel that the most important reform that we have discussed is when John Dewey gave us the opprotunity to have a better education by granting us better teachers and more education.I think now in this time we get a better education because of what John dewey did.

alissap806 said...
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Anthonyc806 said...

Michael,the school policy was as important as the meat inspection because without our education,we wouldn't know how to Inspect the meat in the first place.

trishab806 said...

one of the reformes I thought was improtant was the Meat Inspection Act of 1906. It was required that animals must be inspected befofe being slaughtered. It is improtant becuase many animals were sick and that is bad becuase people get ill.

kfaynberg806 said...

In my opinion the most important reform in my point of view would be The Inspection Act in 1906 and the Food and Drug act also in 1906.The reason i choose this reform was because it made sure that the meat we ate and the food was healthy.Other reasons might be that licensed physicians made sure that all the drugs and food was prescripted before given out which would help alot of citizens.
It also wrote label warnings about this type of drug.This is my point of view about my most important reform.

alyssas806 said...

I think that the best reform was the Meat Inspection Act. The Meat Inspection Act required an inspection of animals before they were slaughtered. I think this was the best and most imporant reform bcause of all the disgusting things that went into th meat. Peoples finger got grinded up in meat and they even sold diseased meat. That is disguting. People can get sick and probably die. If there was no Meat inpection Act I think that I would be a vegetarian.

TheresaC806 said...

I agree that education was important because without better education, we will be sitting at school waiting the day pass by slowly. Now that John Dewey made education,students have fun in school while back in the days, students did not have fun things to do.

thenoodk806 said...

A reform that I learned about was john Dewey. He made it so children did not have to memorise things and they actualy learned.Back then class rooms were not good. The desks were nailed down to the ground and were forced to learn.

MichaelG806 said...

Alright Antony but still, I'm not saying that we shouldn't ditch school over food, but I'm trying to say that everyday when you eat lunch at school you wouldn't want a dead rat in your pizza or a rat tail dropped in your milk. Know what I am trying to get across here?

Ariel806 said...

I agree with peter also because most of the people who made up the world today were smart people. If they would have to memorize thier work they would probably have forgotten something they learned that day

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

I'd like to add that I agree with ellak806 and several people who said that the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 was important. Now we don't have to worry about getting grossed out stuff like human fingers or rat droppings in our food!

TheresaC806 said...

I agree with alyssa about the meat inspection act because without it, we would have been eating meat that have not even been checked. The meat can have sickness, can be pregnant or have other kind of disease. If we don't check it before we eat it, we can die or get sick from it.

Anonymous said...

Reforming city and state goverments :
several citys changed to a council-manager system where voters elect a city counicil. which then chooses a profecioal manager to run the city .

Anonymous said...

Reforming city and state goverments :
several citys changed to a council-manager system where voters elect a city counicil. which then chooses a profecioal manager to run the city .

MichaelG806 said...

I disagree with thenood that they weren't forced to learn.

alexcyh said...

I also agree with several people on The Meat Inspection Act of 1906 because keeping the food clean is how healthy we will be when we eat them.

laylaa806 said...

The Child Labor reform was very important, because back than many workers were immigrants, 7, 8 year olds who worked very hard for long hours, they would get payed very little too. And when they would get hurt they would not be cared about, but now they get payed when they get hurt on thier jobs!!!!

TheresaC806 said...

I agree with layla that the child labor was very important because very little child had to work and people who worked hard had very little income. There were dangerous machines that they would not be responsible for if you get hurt. All they care about is to get all your work all done. Many children had to work about 16 hours every single day. That is very painful and harsh for a child to work the same hours as an regular adult.

Marion_A_806 said...

i disagree with thenood because like he said

the children werent forced to learn
they were just not free so all they could do is learn and not have fun or anything else

now in the days the children are more relaxed and worried that there teacher might hit them or something else