Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Jacob Riis phtos 806

Describe what you saw courtesy of Jacob Riis. What were the pictures of? What picture stands out in your mind the most? Why?


MichaelG806 said...

I saw people living together stacked into a room where they had dirty clothes and hardly and fancy things. What stayed in my mind was that there was a whole group of people living together for just 7cents and that disgusted me, that would mean if i was there i might even be living next to a bum or a guy who haven't taken a shower or even cleaned his face for one month or even more !

DeirdraA.806 said...

From the photos i saw in class i think that the way people lived during the early 1900`s they lived very poorlyand had to live in cluttered rooms

peterl806 said...

The pictures I saw showed the harsh living conditions of the immigrants in New York in the early 1900's.

gustavop806 said...

The pictures that I saw of Jacob Riis show'd the living conditions of poor people. The picture that stands out the most was the picture of little houses congened in an allyway. I would hate to half to live like this.

Anthonyc806 said...

The pictures were about poor people in New York at the 1900s.
The houses were in bad condition. They were about to collapse.
There was 7 cents houses that had uncomfortable beds.

ellak806 said...

Today in class the teacher showed us some photos of poor people living in tenemants more than 100 years ago. I wasn't surprised then - i knew that their life wasn't great. And yet i almost cried, especially when i sawthe picture with those men sleeping so cluttered together. That picture won't leave my mind for a long time!

TheresaC806 said...

The pictures that I saw in class were poor people that were living small buildings. The buildings were about to fall. There was a picture that I saw that was dirty and stinky where people had to live. It costs 7 cents a night. There was one picture of the same building in 1900's and 2002. There was a big difference. It was clearer now than the 1900's. There were horses in the 1900's and in 2002 we have cars. The conditions of the place were horrible. People were squished in a room because there was little space.

The pictures that stands out in my mind is how people lived and survived and how different it was from the 1800’s and now because it was so painful to even fall asleep with other people that might have diseases. It was very stinky that you might want to get out of the place quickly. But living somewhere is better than living in the streets. People rented living in the place for 7 cents a day. People had to share toilets. Imagine how it would feel sharing toilets. If you really need to go to the bathroom, you have to wait because everyone is waiting to use the bathroom. Everything changed now. If you look back during the 1800’s to 1900’s buildings, streets, transportation were all horrible. The buildings made out of wood and can be easily broken down. Transportation was slow, you had to walk or ride on a horse to go somewhere. There were no cars or trains back in the 1800’s and early 1900’s.

Nowadays, we have house that are can has 2 bedrooms and more. We have a bathroom for every house. Now one room of our house is equivalent to one building in the 1900’s. We can travel faster and machinery was discovered because of all the technology made. Now that we have technology, there was much less work to do than back in the days.

jackieh806 said...
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jackieh806 said...

The pictures show men living together in a resting place. Mr. Tutku described how it was so cheap to live there: just pay 7 cents. That was the picture that stands out in my mine the most. That's because I pictured if that was me, I would've die rather than living there. The place is public, so anyone can be living there. Including the homeless, stink people, and people who likes to spit on things. Even if I had no choice, i would sleep on the top, beacuase if i slept on the bottom, it's unsafe depending on the person sleeping on the top section. Hopefully, now a days, we're in a good condition where there's not as many homeless and I appreciate that

TheresaC806 said...
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TheresaC806 said...

I agree with jackie because it was so dangerous that if I was there I would have died. In our times we are safe and everything is organized. Laws were made to keep everything safe.

alaem806 said...

During class i saw people livin in a small house. I think it was i though time for immargants. It was harsh living. People lived in one room. IN a house their would be 6 people in a room. i would have died if i was them.

laylaa806 said...

i pictures i have seen were showing how poor people used it live around the late 1900s. And how some would live in crowed alleys...poor conditions. The picture that stood out to me the most was the men who were like Basically on top of each other in a little room. very sad.

alexcyh said...

The pictures of Jacob Riis were about how poor immigrants lived back at the late 1800's or early 1900's. The picture that stands out in my mind the most is the picture that has some immigrants near their houses. They had ragged, dirty clothes. Their houses were not safe because they look as if they would collapse.

alissap806 said...

Today in class the pictures I saw were very memorable. They are still in my mind because I got to see the POOR living conditions of the lower class citizens in the early 1900's. A picture that I can still remember clearly is the one that had hammocks lined up in rows and Mr.Tutku taught us they were only 7 cents a night to sleep there. I also remember other pictures and in them people where either in alleyways or outside. The people that were outside were dressed in clothes like rags and there houses looked like they were going to fall apart. We also seen 2 pictures of a family inside there house and an apartment. The family had like 10 kids and they were all sitting at the table trying to help make fake flowers for there family bussiness. The other picture inside was a crowded apartment and I noticed there was no bathroom in the view of the picture. If I had to live like the way I witnessed people used to live in the 1900's in those pictures I would've rather died.I hope nobody in the world has to still live like this now ;]

jasonl806 said...

The pictures showed the way people lived back then. The buildings was very weak and would collapse easily. There was barely any space between each building. The picture that stand out the most in my mind is the picture of people in the alley with a building behind them that is coming apart.

Marion_A_806 said...

i agree with allisap because back in the days the people lived poor. they could payed 7cents and went to sleep for 1day. they would also share 1room for like 5 people wich is crazy

Ariel806 said...

In one of the pictures we saw a bunch of men in one room. It looked they were all on one room. They also looke like if they were in the kicthen.Thaey had no bathroom