Friday, November 30, 2007

Presidents 802

Which presidential candidate do you support and why?


MohammedR said...

I think Hillary Clinton should be voted for president because she is the most suitable for president. Her husband was a president, and she was a good senator of NY.You can tell by looking at Clinton that she is very amibtous and has a very big chance of becoming president. She has made very well promises also.

Tianna-Marie C said...
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FiLiPP_A said...

I would want Hillary Clinton to be the winner of the presidental election. I want Hillary to win becuase she seems have to reasonable thoughts such as putting an end to the war in Iraq. Also it would be a revolutionary event if for the first time in history that a female candidate will win the presidental election.

AlexW said...

I would like Hilary Clinton to win the election because she has better ideas to do when she is a president. She said that she would like to bring back the troops in Iraq. She also has better reasons to be a president.

Chrisk said...
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kevin ><" said...

I dont feel that obama or hillary should be president, the country is not ready for such a drastic change. The united states has not responded well to great changes as far as politics go. Fir example Lincoln, he made a change and was killed. Guliani should be the president because he has shown great leaderistic skills and knows how to make decisions in dire situations. He also knows what decisions to support and is for the people. Guliani is not so dubious and does not change their standing on a subject day after day. He also has past experience as far as leading goes and is not a ammuture to politics. He understands the pressure of such a high positions and how to deal with this.

chrisd said...

I would like Hillary Clinton to win the presidental election. The reason for this is because I am a Democrat and so she is she. I also think she is the best person to be president. I also want a woman to be a president.

Suliman S said...

The canidiate I belve that should be elected is Hilary Clinton. Hilary Clinton will stop the war of Iraq. Providing Affordable and Accessible Health Care . Se claims to Promoting Energy Independence and Fighting Global Warming,Supporting Parents and Caring for Children,Restoring America's Standing in the World,Strengthening Our Democracy,Reforming Our Immigration System and
Strengthening the Middle Class. She is also A Champion for Women.

Sima S. said...

I strongly believe that Hilary Clinton should win. I really support feminism and it is time for a woman to win the presidential elections. It really seems like she has a reasonable outlook on the war in Iraq. I like her thinking and how she talks in her speeches. In addition, she talks about Bush and his stupidity about Iraq, and I agree. She wants to get rid of the war and that's why I support her.[=

Tianna-Marie C said...

I'm not sure of my choice yet. But I always have liked Giuliani from the begining when I started reading about him in the newspaper. I believe Hillary Clinton and Obama aren't exactly the perfect presidential candidates. Both Hillary Clinton and Obama seem as if they are trying to hard to be the first, rather then concentrate on being the first. The first woman, and the first African American. They only have supports of the voters for their skin tone and sex. I don't believe many people are looking at the politics and what makes a president good rather than that. I think Giuliani has already proved that he helps people in need by his place in office. As a mayor, he helped New York so far very well. My family also has a lot of the influence of my opinion we are, "Giuliani People".

Rena K, said...

I think that Giuliani should be president because he was a good mayor and he led this city through a hard time with the terrorist attack and he always closed schools when there was even a little snow. He also made many good decisions for NYC like helping with schools and education.

FiLiPP_A said...

Yes I agree with sima with ending the war. Good idea sima.

RoseN said...

I think I would choose Hillary Clinton as president. She is actually trying to stop these world problems. For instance, she's trying to stop war and get the soldiers out of Iraq. Hillary Clinton is trying to increase medical benefits for the sick.

jackiec said...

I would pick Hilary Clinton because she knows what she wants and she is very determined to get it. If she wins she is going to be the first woman president in the United States. She also wants to stop the war in Iraq and I think that is the right thing to do. Many soldiers are dying and having a difficult time for absolutely no reason at all. I think that Hilary Clinton should be the president of the United States.

Alice C >^.^ said...
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Tianna-Marie C said...

AlEx WoNg said...
I would like Hilary Clinton to win the election because she has better ideas to do when she is a president. She said that she would like to bring back the troops in Iraq. She also has better reasons to be a president.
Is that a reasonable explanation? Is it really a GOOD thing to bring the troops back? Think about what we said about in class, it might go etheir way but the way it is now it will be chaos.

Sima S. said...
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Barbara said...

I would like Hillary Clinton to win the presidential election. Her husband was one the president so she must have a lot of experience. She is the senator. She also supports women. If she won she would be the first woman president.

Gabrielle_i said...

I think Rudy Giuliani should win for the Presidential Election. This is due to the way he reacted during 9/11, when he was our mayor. I think he was as calm as possible considering the enviroment around him. Many people panicked, while he stayed calm. I think he was an excellent mayor and would make and even better president. Fifty four percent of people agreed. Rudy Giuliani also lowered taxes twenty three times which I think is very important.

Mr. Tutku said...

I think you are all doing very well with your posts. This will be a great tool for us tolearn with.

FiLiPP_A said...

Yes tianna it is a good thing becuase as alex stated if we bring troops back then we will save lives.

JohnC said...

I think that Rudy Guliani should be the president. when he was the mayor of New York, I felt that everything had run so smoothly. I would not think that Barrack Obama should win because he is a hyppocrite. He changes his ideas all the time. I don't like Hilary Clinton either. if she becomes president I have a weird feeling that something might happen. I don't agree with Mohammedr. Hilary Clinton is too big on feminism, and she may focus on it too much.

kevin ><" said...

i dont agree with filipp, even though true she wants to end the war, is this change really for the best?
i agree with tianna, giuliani would make a good president, he would lead the states well.

Suliman S said...

Kevin I disagree the country wouldn't be good with Gulianni he was not such a great mayor and Hilary has much experince.

MohammedR said...

Tianna is right about bringing back the troops, maybe Clinton shouldn't bring back the troops, but still HILLLARY OWNS!!!!!

Lexa D said...

I want Hilary Clinton to win for president. I think it's about time that a woman becomes president! Hilary Clinton shows great power and I think that she can really make a difference. All we have to do is give her a chance. Being the first woman president would probably mean that she would be the first president to actually listen to what the women have to say.

Chrisk said...

I think mohammed is right. Hillary Clinton looks and probably is more3 experienced.Her husband, Bill Clinton was president so she may how learrned from him.

tiffyv said...

The presidential candidate I support is Hillary Clinton. Many United State citizens don't believe that a woman such as her can make a difference in the world if she wins the presidential candidate. Ever heard of having some faith in others? Either way, Hillary shouldn't be mocked because of her gender, but for what she believes in for her, and the people. Hillary is strong. She shows the qualities of a leader. For example, even when the other candidates such as Obama and Rudy critique her beliefs, Hillary still stands proudly and has a positive self concept that she will win. Hillary has experience to be a good president because her husband used to be a president, and she is a U.S. Senator, she'll know what the people want. Woman CAN make a difference.

jackiec said...

I agree with tianna chin=]
because she has made a large point even though I am a supporter of Hilary Clinton.

deeb said...

I believe that Hillary Clinton should win the presidential election. She is a beacon for feminists everywhere. the men have run the country for too long. Look at what Bush has done and now even his supporters are against him. Yes i am all for a balck person in office but let the women take the lead men have run the country for the last 200 plus years. Also Hillary Clinton has the expertise her husband has run the country. Also she is a senator, so she knows a little about what the people want. Rudy Giuliani has only run a city, yes he did a good job, but how do go from city government to state government. So for all my feminists vote HILLARY CLIOTON!!!!!

joshb said...
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Rebecca M. K said...

I'm not really sure who I support for the election. I might pick Hilary Clinton because unlike Obama she knows what she wants and I think she can make a better country little by little. Also, I think we should at least try having a woman as a president. She supports feminism and can support women views in politics. Hilary Clinton also has a husband that was a president and he can help so we can say we will have two people looking out for the country and she has experience on how you handle situations. She is already a senator from New York, so she already solved problems and has even more experience. There are other candidates that have a good chance winning such as Rudy Giuliani. Hilary is one of the candidates I think has a chance to win.

Alice C >^.^ said...
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RoseN said...

I think Hillary is doing a great thing. Stopping war can save so much innocent lives of the soldiers.

deeb said...

I think K[evin is worng the country is more ready for this change a nd some change can be good

deeb said...

I think K[evin is worng the country is more ready for this change a nd some change can be good

joshb said...

I disagree with Kevin because this may be the drastic change we need. And Hilary Clinton does have a lot of experience being the U.S. senator of New York and the wife of a former president, Bill Clinton

joshb said...

The candidate I believe should be elected as president of the U.S. is Hilary Clinton. She will end the war in Irag and finally allow troops to return to their homes. No more lives of our soldiers will be lost. There may even be peace between the U.S. once and for all. Hilary Clinton will also lower prices for medicine which is very beneficial to our health. If a person becomes sick, it will be easier to take care of them knowing that you will be able to afford medicines needed. Hilary Clinton is very determined and has had a lot of experience as the U.S. senator of New York and the wife of Bill Clinton, a former president. Hilary Clinton also has an excelent education from Wellesley College, B.A., and Yale University Law School, J.D.

Tianna-Marie C said...

FiLiPPa said...
Yes tianna it is a good thing becuase as alex stated if we bring troops back then we will save lives.
Support your reasoning, please.

patrickf806 said...
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kevin ><" said...

I disagree with u suliman, Giuliani was a good mayor and Hillary was first women but she will break under the pressure. She was never president, in many cases in history that transitional proves to be to much and they crack under the immense pressure of knowing that the entire nation is on u r shoulders. Also many people do not want a female president, even though it sounds genderist it is the plan truth. The nation would not respond well with this sudden change. Even though society has made many changes that are for feminism and equality, leading to a more picture is tic society women are still being done injustices as they are paid less still, even in our modern day. Even though Guiana would make a better president Hillary might win because her husband use to be president giving her many supporters and women would also vote hoping that she will lead America to a more equal society. Genderism will always be there, it is human nature to discriminate as nobody is perfect. Even though Hillary might win, I don’t feel she is the best candidate. A lot of her votes come from popularity and false beliefs of a golden future, Guiana is more realistic. =) sorry for the length

Alice C >^.^ said...

I'm not sure who to vote for, but if I had a choice,it would be between Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Clinton. Both of them have experiece, Guiliani as a mayor and Clinton as a senator of NY. Hillary Clinton is a good senator of New York, and she has good ideas for the future as well as stopping the war in Iraq, which many people believe will be better to do. On the other hand, when he was mayor, Guiliani had a calm reaction to 9/11, and he lowered taxes 23 times. Both of the two candidates would make good presidents.

Irina L. said...

I support Hillary Clinton because I think she will be a great president. According to CNN, 53% of Hillary's opinions are favorable. She is also leading the presidential election for the democrats by 44%. Also, she is married to Bill Clinton who was a previous president of the U.S.A. So, she has experience in United States issues. She is also in her second term as the junior senator from New York.