Friday, November 30, 2007

Presidents 806

Which presidential candidate do you support and why? You can use, click on Politics and then Candidates to get more information.


Anonymous said...
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Marion_A_806 said...
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DeirdraA.806 said...
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Anthonyc806 said...
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Marion_A_806 said...
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davidn806 said...
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MichaelG806 said...
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Anonymous said...


ellak806 said...
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Anonymous said...
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gustavop806 said...
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Anonymous said...

hii gustavo

jenn806 said...

if i was able to vote i would probablyy vote forr hilaryy clintonn. i would vote for her because i thinkk it could be pretty cool if i could rememberr the first female presidentt that was electedd` thatss my opinionn ;]]

criss806 said...
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gustavop806 said...

peter who do you think will win the presidential election

Anonymous said...

i agree with jen if we were alowed to vote this would be mad cool =) lol

patrickf806 said...

I would vote for hillary clinton because I want to see if she can do a better job than president Bush and also or countr neverr had a female president

DeirdraA.806 said...

If I could vote I would vote for Hillary Clinton. I would most likely vote for her because she shows that women are strong.

polinas806 said...

I think that Hilary Clinton should become our next president because her husband has already been president for 8 years so she must know what she is doing, and she has some good issues.Also if she becomes president she will be the first women president.

trishab806 said...
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aFlores806 said...

A presidential candidate that i support is hillary clinton because i feel that she is a very independent woman who can run a country or state the way it needs to be ran.Also i support her because she is someone that is eligible to be a leader and do right for people.She will be the first woman president who can show all those men out there who underestimate women and feel their job is only in the kitchen what women are really about!!!

davidn806 said...
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Anthonyc806 said...
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Anonymous said...
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Marion_A_806 said...
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Unknown said...

I agree with polinas806 I also think that Hilary Clinton should become our next president because her husband (Bill Clinton) has already been president for 8 years, so she must know what she is doing, and she has some good issues.

Anthonyc806 said...

I would support Hillary Clinton if i could vote because a-lot of people has already voted for her. Her percentage is 44% and her cousin has been president for 8
straight years. She will probably continue being president for her husband. Hillary has $ 50,643,013 and she will be able to help the home less people

criss806 said...

I think that rudolph Guiliana would be the best presidnet in the world because he supports bush tax breaks and he supports abortion.

jackieh806 said...

i would want Hillary to be elected as president, because according to "," she's voted 53% favorable,

Marion_A_806 said...

if had the right to vote i'll vote for hillary clinton because she would be the first female and thats new to the country and her husbad was a president for already 8 years so she must have alot of experience in the white house and she also wants to build a wall over the maxican border so the immigrants wount come over to the USA illegal and other candidats are all males which makes her a 1st female president ever in the United States of America.

TheresaC806 said...

The presidential candidate that I support is Hillary Clinton because she spent about half of her reciepts of her money to try to win.It means that she is trying. People's opinion of Hillary Clinton is favorable. Hillary Clinton should be president because it can show that women can do things that men can do and are as useful as mens.

alissap806 said...

If I were allowed to vote I would vote for Hillary Clinton. Hillary would be my vote because I think the world needs a womans perspective on things. Paulina also makes a great point. Hillary's husband was the president for a long time so she probably learned from him and thought about what she could improve. Hillary also supports alot of issues im concerned about like the war and immigration and everything else.

trishab806 said...

If I could vote for someone I would vote for Hillary Clinton. Since she's been in the White House for 8 years with her husband. So she should know what she is doing. I also like her becuase she shows people that women are strong and I think she can do a good job.

trishab806 said...

If I could vote for someone I would vote for Hillary Clinton. Since she's been in the White House for 8 years with her husband. So she should know what she is doing. I also like her becuase she shows people that women are strong and I think she can do a good job.

alyssas806 said...

In the debate that is going on for president I support Hillary Clinton. I support her because if she wins, she will be the first woman president. Men under-estimate if a woman can handle a country, and I think Hillary is the one who can prove them wrong. She has done a lot containing to the polotics. She is trying to improve on drugs, crime, civil rights, and many other things. Overall I think that Hillary Clinton is a very good presidential candidate.

trishab806 said...

If I could vote for someone I would vote for Hillary Clinton. Since she's been in the White House for 8 years with her husband. So she should know what she is doing. I also like her becuase she shows people that women are strong and I think she can do a good job.

alissap806 said...

I also support Hillary because men do under estimate women and I really think a women can handle being president and Hillary can show the world that and probably set a high, positive bar for any other future women presidents.;]

Anonymous said...

gustavo palmer the 2nd who would you vote for ?

Ariel806 said...

The president I would choose is Hillary Clintion because she has a husband who has already experience. Another reason is becuase lots of people are voting for her so she must be good.

Anonymous said...
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MichaelG806 said...

Think about it, stop letting yourselfs think just because she'll be the first women who will ever run our country. Yes!,that can be a big issue in our life, but even if her husband had ran for 8 years it doesn't mean he was the best or that Hill. Cilton as the knowledge of what her husband had.You are all letting yourself think that because she will be the first women to run this country you'll vote for her.

MichaelG806 said...

Jackie, read your own post. Does it make sense? No it probably doesn't because you are making yourself look stupid. You are saying anyone can do better than president Bush, but actually he did help this country alot. Also, just because she is a women doesn't mean she has better thoughts and opinion.

Anonymous said...

thats true but just thinkhow it would be having a girl presedent it would be once ina life time thing =) and this had never happened before and she has earned her way up just thinking of running

DeirdraA.806 said...

i do like hillary clinton but i don`t like that she supported the idea of sending out more troups to iraq. if i could vote i would vote for her because she shows rhat women are strong!!

MichaelG806 said...

Again Jackie read my comments, you are saying you are going to vote for her just because she is a women. That isn't enough, that would be like i would vote for a male president because i am a guy. Then how would that male president change and make our life better?

MichaelG806 said...

Yea, i agree that sending our troops to Iraq may sound like a bad idea, but you girls are just saying that if you can vote you'll vite for her because she is a women and basicly that really doesn't help at all.

alissap806 said...

i also have some thoughts about Rudy Giuliani being elected. I agree with some of his opinions on issues according to CNN.COM's information given. Rudy Giuliani also was mayor of New York during the 9/11 incident. He reacted well and did not panic so maybe we need a more controlled president. Giuliani also is not am amature to being a leader. People also need to stop basing there opions based on sex and race. Yes I do think Hillary would be a good president but not only because she is a woman.
michael also vote he thinks we need a black president
im not against black presidents but you need more reasons
i also think we should end the war but imagine what will happen if we do. there might be more chaos...

some one tell me there opion.. Hillary or Rudy???....???

TheresaC806 said...

I agree to what michael said because it is true that if Hillary Clinton's husband is president it does not mean she is oging be president because it is the outcome and effort someone makes to chnage something. Women and men can be anything they want. We just need them to help us and improve our country.

peterl806 said...

I agree with "cris" i would vote for rudy guliani because he did a good job in new york he can do a good job for the country.

alissap806 said...

*** correction i meant what michael said before about obama

MichaelG806 said...

But Alissa think about it, you're saying that we underestimate womens but we really don't. I'm saying a black person never had the freedom even to compare against to a white women. Yes, Hill Cilton can make a good president.

MichaelG806 said...

To peter he can do a good job with that.But one state and the whole country is a different job.

laylaa806 said...

I believe Ron Paul should be our next president because he will end the Iraq war quickly. Ron Paul voted against the Iraq war in 2003, and will begin to bring the troops home quickly after being elected. Furthermore, Ron Paul will change our foreign policy to one of non-interventionism. This will avoid future wars with countries such as Iran, and save hundreds of billions of dollars.:]

alexyh806 said...

The candidate that I would support would be Hillary Clinton. I would support her because she goes againts war which would be better since many people are dying because of the war.

alaem806 said...

If i was old enough to old vote i would vote forhilary cilton because she is a decmarcy

MichaelG806 said...

Yea, but you're all saying that these soon to be presidents are going against war. It isn't that easy to just bring them home and forget what is going to happened to the "others". And now most of you are saying Hil. Cilton because she is a women and she'll be the first to be the women president....

gustavop806 said...

I aree with Alyssa, if I could vote I would go with Hilary Clinton. Women are underestimated and I don't understand why. Did you know as opposed to men women make $0.20 less than men do, even when working the same job. I think Hilary Clinton can change this and many other things.